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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Whilst our volunteer editors will do their best to ensure our events listings are as up to date and accurate as possible; with the fast pace of how things are changing, it is inevitable that some will slip through the net. If you are planning on travelling for larger events, we would recommend that you contact the venues directly to avoid disappointment. We are putting in place new measures to give event organisers a friendly reminder to see if they wish to remove cancelled events, so we're sorry if it looks a bit bare in here :(

If you, or any of your party have a new persistant cough, or develop a fever of 38C, we would instead advise you to use the NHS's dedicated website for free, professional advice.

Events this Month

Stonham Barns Thursday & Sunday Car Boot on 25th and 28th July 2024, 25th July 2024 to 28th July 2024, 7:00 to 13:00 at Stonham Car Boot, Pettaugh Road, Stonham Aspal (13.1 miles)

Stonham Barns Thursday & Sunday Car Boot July 25th/28th

Big week as school holidays are upon us, so we are expecting good numbers for the Stonham Barns Thursday Car Boot and also expecting to see an extra buying crowd with everyone realising we are getting lots of sellers on Thursdays plus there should be lots camping at Stonham too.

Stonham Barns Sunday Car Boot – Great weather on Sunday 21st and over 150 sellers. This week we have the Calm at the Barn Festival on as well on Sunday 28th July 2024. Don't forget to book early for the Covered stalls as these go quickly and we expect another good buying crowd.

This Thursday 25th July 2024 7am onwards (although you can start earlier) – We are expecting the Thursday Car Boot to take off this Thursday as we now have the school holidays. This should mean a lot more sellers and an extra buying crowd for the great number of sellers we’ve had each week.

Thanks for the continued support from sellers/buyers and if we all want to make this a regular weekly event we’ll need continued support as there isn’t a Thursday Car Boot anywhere near in Suffolk on a Thursday. We are getting a steady increase of sellers we just need the public to join in as there's bargains to be had. School holidays are now here.

To sell on the Thursday all vehicles pay £6 to sell.

Covered stalls are available for any Sunday plus Bank Holidays they offer a guaranteed spot on the main field close to food and toilets, have an overhead cover plus a table-top and are only £12. Everyone else can just turn up on the day.

Events run at the same time as the Car Boot so a bigger crowd always expected. The next is the Calm at the Barn Festival on 28th July 2024. Lots more in August/September /October.

We are the best priced & still the friendliest Car Boot in Suffolk so come & sell from only £6 and still free parking & buying & everyone welcome to just turn up and have a look around as there’s so much to do at Stonham.

I've had a few questions about when we actually start. We always used to start at 8am and most people do still turn up at 8/8.30 but, we do get people arriving stupidly early onwards. So, it's really up to you. 7 onwards is sensible. We have enough space for everyone.

Just turn up and sell from £6 no booking needed, Covered stalls are available to reserve for any Sunday/Bank Holiday Monday (but not Thursdays (to start with)) by texting 07817539168 and we also have great news for Sellers/Buyers at Stonham Barns Sunday Car Boot as we have a licence allowing all Plant/Bulb Sellers or in fact any Gardening sellers to sell at the Car Boot. So NO RESTRICTIONS at all with any Gardening items. This is great news as I've had to turn so many people away.

This is already bringing in a lot more sellers/buyers to Stonham. So, come and sell every Sunday. We are expecting some of the big plant and bulb sellers to start selling soon.

Prices have remained the same with selling at £6 for cars. Cars with trailers £8.50, Small Vans £8.50 and large vans £12, Vans with Trailers are also £12. There is NO NEED TO BOOK.

Covered Stalls are available for every Sunday/Bank Holiday Monday but these do go very quickly as there are only 20. These ONLY can be pre-booked on 07817539168 (text to pre-book). These offer some shade to sellers as well as a tabletop & protection against wind & rain. These are on the main field and you pull in behind them, set up and sell and pack up and leave at the end of the day. They also guarantee a main field position near to toilets and Drinks/Food.

Everyone else wishing to sell at Stonham can just turn up on the day. We are still the cheapest in Suffolk so you can just turn up from 7am and sell and that’s every Sunday & Bank Holiday Mondays from March to October & now Thursdays too. We are also lucky to benefit from regular events at Stonham where the Car Boot crowd is often doubled & that’s on top of a very big buying crowd.

Everyone loves Stonham as its unbeatable when the weather is good. It has a great atmosphere and a knowledgeable friendly crowd made up of all ages. Families young and old, dog friendly and it caters for the disabled.

We let Buyers in at the same time as sellers but – please allow me to get everyone into position so please don’t hinder this and please don’t stand behind cars whilst they unload. No one is going to jump in and buy before you as it just isn’t that kind of car boot. The reason we have become so popular is because we don’t have people harassing sellers. If anyone oversteps their mark we will stop buyers entering the field until gone 7am.
We are outdoors only but offer covered stalls.

Stonham Barns Car Boot every Sunday & Bank Holiday Mondays and this year Thursdays too.

07817539168 for much more information on the Car Boot or

Local Clubs

Everyman Folk Club meet at The Riverside Centre, Great Glemham Road, Stratford St. Andrew (2.2 miles)
The Everyman Folk Club meets on the last Friday of each month during January to May and September to November. With Residents, Floor Singers and a Booked Guest Artist on every occasion, there is always a warm welcome for new performers and audience members.
Meeting at The Riverside Centre at Gt Glemham Road, Stratford St Andrew near Saxmundham at 20:00. Tickets are only £5 if bought in advance (otherwise £6 on the door).
If you'd like more information, you can telephone Mary & Steve on 01449 615523, email Mary & Steve or visit thier website

Weight Watchers meet at Woodbridge Community Centre, Station Road, Woodbridge (9.9 miles)
Day: Tuesdays, Times: 10:00am & 5:30pm & 6:45pm
"Nothing taste as good as slim feels like"
If you'd like more information, you can telephone Berit on 01728 684884 or email Berit

Weight Watchers meet at United Free Church Hall, High Street, Leiston (3.2 miles)
Day: Mondays, Times: 5:30pm & 6:45pm
"Nothing taste as good as slim feels like"
If you'd like more information, you can telephone Berit on 01728 684884 or email Berit

Weight Watchers meet at United Free Church Hall (3.2 miles)
Day: Mondays, Times: 5:30pm & 6:45pm
"Nothing taste as good as slim feels like"
If you'd like more information, you can telephone Berit on 01728 684884 or email Berit

Wilby Caterpillar Dance Club meet at Wilby Coronation Hall, Marriotts Close, Wilby, Eye (9.1 miles)
The Caterpillar Dance Club provides an opportunity for members to practise sequence dances, both old and new, in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Meets 7.30 Monday evenings in the Coronation Hall. New members welcome any Monday evening. Social Dance to Live Music most Saturdays 8.00 - 11.45pm
If you'd like more information, you can telephone on 01728 638357 or email the club

Your Club Here?
We are currently looking for details on any local clubs, if you run a club or society in the area, please email us details at: for a free listing